Generators are in hot demand as blackout fears grow! Millennium Plastics has joined the club and we now house our own 100KVA sound attenuated generator.
As we are all well aware our power situation remains tight and volatile and thus load shedding remains a threat. We have cold weather looming ahead of us, placing an increased demand on our electricity supply. Added to that Eskom continues to suffer unplanned breakdowns at its deteriorating coal-fired power station fleet and we are bound to face more coal supply shortages as well as potential power line damages, strikes and protests. With us being in an industrial environment, even a short power outage can lead to hours of downtime as equipment needs to be set up and the injection moulding machines need to reach workable temperatures.
What does this mean for our customers?
The message to our customers is that we are now protected against any future load shedding or power interruptions and we can continue to provide you with excellent service and products delivered on time.